Wednesday, October 21, 2009

week1 day 3

walked 2 miles
200 or so with the ball

1 whole waffle with pears
swigs of root beer
bowl of grapes

waffle quarters

bites of ramen

apple and orange

handful of cashews
mini bag of peanut m&ms
5 hard candies

bbq beef on rye

swig of root beer
medium bryers rocky road with skim milk (as if that makes it any better for ya)
1.5 grapefruits
handful of caramels (to melt for caramel apples)

bad bad bad day for me and food. snacking on bad stuff all day long.
did not read scriptures this morning either...running around crazy.
will wake up earlier to get the reading in - get dressed before the kids get started.
be prepared- nate needs to be at work for a very early meeting so I'll be on my own-
goal: get up when nate gets up so I can do my own stuff before the kids wake up. (get dressed before he leaves so I can nurse Mikah- especially if she is in a bad mood)

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